Category: Posts

  • Merriam-Webster’s Word of the day & week – June 12

    Word of the day capricious advocate gest lissome troubadour vilipend fictitious Other words I didn’t know or wasn’t sure about its meaning or pronunciation: caprice whim shudder hedgehog spine overlord climax stout ballad lithe nimble supple dazed cheapie courtly love folk music mystique damsel charger meister raspy heartland bard contemn dictum feigned in one’s tracks…

  • Merriam-Webster’s Word of the day & week – June 5

    Word of the day gamut palmy stiction eolian compunction posture rendition Other words I didn’t know or wasn’t sure about its meaning or pronunciation: lowdown solmization bass staff dead load hard-boiled stick torque stanchions nitride stroke Aeolus sandstone bedforms twinge rut bucks antlers rift rendering stud clam chowder Words of the week Original article festoon…

  • Merriam-Webster’s Word of the day – May 29

    The words: shaggy-dog xeriscape instigate homonymous longueur empirical assail Other words I didn’t know or wasn’t sure about its meaning or pronunciation: long-drawn-out circumstantial inconsequential punch line crisscrossing waltz mulch xerophilous perennial stalks tubular hummingbirds goad hoodlums dubious underhanded foment designation sack tabbed raider woful hiccups lapses sally quarrelsome infelicitous par citizenry so malarkey debonair

  • Upgrade PHP from 7.0 to 7.4 — WordPress

    WordPress kept telling me that my version of PHP was too old, so I upgraded. I basically followed this tutorial: Upgrade/Installation guide for PHP 7.4 on Ubuntu and Debian. Here is the summary: However, I ran into a couple of issues. First, Apache didn’t pick up the new version automatically (duh!). I fixed it by…

  • Merriam-Webster’s Word of the day – May 22

    The words: bodacious malapropism exiguous disabuse neoteric cowcatcher preen Other words I didn’t know or wasn’t sure about its meaning or pronunciation: jousting horseback cockney strumming buttocks buttresses scanty petty skimpy obituaries revile newfangled smirk outfitted boxcar mashup lumbered barbs barbules uropygial hatched primping plume unorthodox orthodoxically quinolone arthritis erythematosus

  • Merriam-Webster’s Word of the day – May 15

    The words: decoupage indomitable aggrandize flotsam pelagic refulgence stymie Other words I didn’t know or wasn’t sure about its meaning or pronunciation: lacquer varnish coach yearning bent castaway seaborne buoy merganser cormorant bait fish school juncture offshore peep faintyhearted burgeoning Poinsettia bracts hue vexing corridor bout crippled communicable variola smoulder fistic stressor

  • Merriam-Webster’s Word of the day – May 8

    The words: gratuitous politesse collimate lorn quintessence truckle verboten Other words I didn’t know or wasn’t sure about its meaning or pronunciation: legalese abstruse rife pen (verb) bereft shrill expound forebear s’more garner obsequious countrymen pulp sardonic worldly divorcee (pronunciation) illicit plea of yore effects spindly askew ruminant wrought racy alkalies bitumens

  • Merriam-Webster’s Word of the day – May 1

    The words: nabob promulgate zephyr garnish disingenuous emblem appellation Other words I didn’t know or wasn’t sure about its meaning or pronunciation: slumps prowl fetes snap eulogized playwrights sobriquet knuckleball knuckler verses slanderer thistle sculpted (pronunciation) winegrower sniveling cravenly befitting menial furrow snigger guffaw risque initialism duodenal gastroesphageal gastric inert cask

  • Merriam-Webster’s Word of the day – April 24

    The words: Apr 18 regurgitate Apr 19 alienist Apr 20 peccant Apr 21 colloquy Apr 22 obstinate Apr 23 facilitate Apr 24 arboreal Other words I didn’t know or wasn’t sure about its meaning or pronunciation: snarky thereby gibbons sloths thrifty of late opined flak heredity

  • Notes – April 22- April 26

    Hello world lambda in Go This is how you define a lambda function with Cloudformation How do I reference a resource in another Cloudformation stack during template creation? Connecting a lambda function to an SQS queue What is the easiest to define a policy to connect to an AWS resource? Simply define your policy…