Word of the day
Other words I didn’t know or wasn’t sure about its meaning or pronunciation:
- perihelion
- apogee
- perigee
- AU
- uproot
- befits
- glistering
- Phaehon
- sleight of hand
- adroitness
- sleight
- sly
- scrapping
- resonance
- Thesus
- milieu
- bequeath
- Meiji-era
- spirit
- barley
- rye
- bromine
- commonplace
- tiresome
- bore
- hackneyed
- knack
- manning
- inertia
- melodrama
- thespian
- hot-ticket
- masquerade
- balls
- burlesque
Words of the week
- Faithless & elector
- Ministerial
- Svereignty
- Internecine
- Antedating: doomsayer
Other words I didn’t know or wasn’t sure about its meaning or pronunciation:
- minister
- ascertain
- saga