Working with ranges: Fenwick trees

Let’s talk about Fenwick trees(a.k.a. Binary Indexed Trees) for a moment and see how we can use them to solve range problems. This is not a tutorial, just a few notes for my future self. By the way, I already posted about this topic some time ago, this time, however, I’ll focus my attention on a particular kind of problem. Also, more practice problems.

Range problems usually have this format: given a list of values, we’d like to support the following operations:

  • Update value at index i
  • Compute f(a, b)


  • Apply operation X to all elements in the range [a, b]
  • Get the value at index i

Whenever you see a problem like this you should think about Fenwick trees and there is a good chance it will be the data structure you need to solve the problem.

Problems & solutions

For the first pattern, let’s take a look at the following LeetCode problem, Range Sum Query – Mutable.

If you know about Fenwick trees, you’ll recognize the problem immediately and hopefully come up with a solution quickly.

class NumArray {
        vector<int> T;

        int lowestOneBit(int n) {
            return n & (-n);

        void update(vector<int>& T, int index, int delta) {
            while (index < int(T.size())) {
                T[index] += delta;
                index += lowestOneBit(index);

        int read(vector<int>& T, int index) {
            int sum = 0;
            while (index > 0) {
                sum += T[index];
                index -= lowestOneBit(index);
            return sum;

        NumArray(vector<int> nums) {
            T.resize(nums.size() + 1);
            // Index the initial values
            for (size_t index = 0; index < nums.size(); index++) {
                update(T, index + 1, nums[index]);

        void update(int i, int newValue) {
            // Compute the current value at index i
            int value = read(T, i + 1) - read(T, i);

            // Update the BIT with the difference, not the new value
            update(T, i + 1, newValue - value);

        int sumRange(int i, int j) {
            return read(T, j + 1) - read(T, i);

As an example of the second pattern, let’s take a look at this other LeetCode problem, Shifting Letters II. We’re asked to execute a series of queries that consist in shifting all letters from index i to index j in one of two directions, then return the resulting string.

class Solution {
    private void update(int[] T, int idx, int delta) {
        while (idx < T.length) {
            T[idx] += delta;
            idx += (idx & -idx);

    private int read(int[] T, int idx) {
        int i = idx;
        int sum = 0;
        while (idx > 0) {
            sum += T[idx];
            idx -= (idx & -idx);
        return sum;

    private int[] toIntCodes(String input) {
        int[] codes = new int[input.length()];
        for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
            codes[i] = input.charAt(i) - 'a';
        return codes;

    private String toString(int[] codes) {
        char[] chars = new char[codes.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) {
            chars[i] = (char)(codes[i] + 'a');
        return new String(chars);

    public String shiftingLetters(String input, int[][] shifts) {
        int[] s = toIntCodes(input);
        int n = s.length;
        int[] T = new int[n+5];
        for (var shift : shifts) {
            int start = shift[0] + 1;
            int end = shift[1] + 1;
            int delta = (shift[2] == 0) ? -1 : 1;
            // Add delta to [start, end]
            update(T, start, delta);
            update(T, end + 1, -delta);
        final int B = 26;
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            // Return the cumulative sum of the segments `i` is responsible for.
            int v = read(T, i);
            int x = s[i-1] + v;
            x = x % B;
            while (x < 0) x += B;
            s[i-1] = x;
        return toString(s);

Practice problems

Here you have some additional practice problems to hone your skills, enjoy!




