Reverse lines in a file
tac /path/to/file
In vim, you can select the lines you need to reverse and issue :'<,'>!tac
Compare two files and get only the difference
# Using the `diff` tool diff -a --suppress-common-lines -y a.txt b.txt > c.txt # Using the `comm` tool comm -2 -3 <(sort a.txt) <(sort b.txt)
Prepend data to a file
sed -i -e "1i <your data goes here>" FILE_NAME
Have rsync print timestamps
Use the --out-format
option. For example:
rsync --out-format='%t %f' -avzu ~/myfolder/ user@
Upload folder to S3
# 1. Create a profile (optional, but recommended) aws configure --profile <profile-name> # 2. Upload folder to bucket aws s3 cp --profile <profile-name> /path/to/folder/ s3:// --recursive # 3. Custom endpoint (e.g., if you're uploading to Wasabi or other S3 compatible service) aws s3 cp --profile <profile-name> /path/to/folder/ s3:// --recursive --endpoint-url=
NOTE: S3 is a global service, but Wasabi is not, make sure you include the region in the endpoint.
Supervisor: keep process running
Supervisor is a tool that helps us keep processes running.
Installation (Debian/Ubuntu/*)
sudo apt install supervisor
Let’s say you want to have a program/script running all the time on your system, you can create the following config file /etc/supervisor/conf.d/app.conf
[program:app] numprocs=1 directory=/home/user/projects/app/ command=scripts/ autostart=true autorestart=true stderr_logfile=/home/user/projects/app/logs/app.err.log stdout_logfile=/home/user/projects/app/logs/app.out.log
Enable and start supervisor
sudo systemctl enable supervisor sudo systemctl start supervisor
Check Supervisor status
$ sudo supervisorctl status app RUNNING pid 16188, uptime 0:13:48
MySQL: Loading local data is disabled
SET GLOBAL local_infile=1;